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REFSQ 2021
Mon 12 - Thu 15 April 2021 Germany
Wed 14 Apr 2021 14:15 - 15:00 at Room 1: Essen - Learning from other Disciplines Chair(s): Stan Bühne, Anne Hess

How often do people listen according to their own agenda? How often have you had already something in mind while your counterpart was still talking? How does your knowledge, experience and history have impact on your way of listening? Does anyone know the amount of information human beings need to process these days while at the same time we need to decide on the importance of the information? Ethics in personal and business coaching often comes back to the point of listening. But is listening in requirements engineering as important as? What’s the relationship between ethics and listening? Let us have a deep conversation, why we act as we act and how we can have influence on our own way of listening.

about the speaker

Guido has over 30 years of professional experience, with 20 of those years as a Senior Manager at an international IT and Telecommunication company and currently working as a Managing Director at Seven Principles Solutions & Consulting GmbH in Germany. Having started his career with a degree in electrical engineering, Guido worked through the management ranks to become the Director of a large organisation, based across 14 European countries. Over this period, he gained invaluable, extensive and practical experience of working within high performing global organisations and industries. Guido now specialises in working with organisations during transition to create business success. He achieves this by putting into practice a combination of his business expertise and his ability to develop outstanding leaders and teams. Guido is also very experienced in personal and organisational development and in 2010 started his own business in Coaching and Mentoring. Besides being a NLP Trainer, Guido has a background in a diverse set of coaching and mentoring techniques and is certified by ICF as a Coach and Mentor.

Wed 14 Apr

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

13:30 - 15:00
Learning from other DisciplinesIndustry Track at Room 1: Essen
Chair(s): Stan Bühne IREB, Anne Hess Fraunhofer IESE
Industry talk
Ethical aspects and decision making in Emergency Medicine
Industry Track
Industry talk
Listening is Key in Coaching and Requirements Engineering
Industry Track
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