Registered user since Sat 5 May 2018
Daniela Damian is a Professor of Software Engineering in University of Victoria’s Department of Computer Science, where she leads research in the Software Engineering Global interAction Laboratory (SEGAL, thesegalgroup.org). Her research interests include Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering and Global Software Development. Her recent work has studied developers’ socio-technical coordination in geographically distributed software projects, as well as stakeholder management in large software ecosystems. Daniela’s research methodologies involve extensive field work and in-situ studies of software teams through collaborations with industrial partners such as IBM, General Motors, Siemens and Dell. Daniela has served on the program committee boards or Program Co-Chair of several software engineering conferences, as well as on the editorial boards of Transactions on Software Engineering and the Journal of Requirements Engineering. She is serving on the Advisory Board at the Empirical Software Engineering Journal and as the Human Aspects Area Editor for the Journal of Software and Systems.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
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