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REFSQ 2021
Mon 12 - Thu 15 April 2021 Germany

Automated vehicles (AVs) are transforming the future of thetransportation and improving the quality of life. However, due to theirsocietal impact in urban environments, AV development challenges thecurrent development process. Particularly, it is unclear how human fac-tors requirements can be communicated to developers of AI-based AV.It is quite challenging especially in agile development, where the focusis on continuous deployment and rapid release cycles with short lead-times. Due to the importance of human factors and its impact on trust, acceptance, and safety of AVs in urban environments, my work aims at providing a suitable requirements engineering perspective and method.

Mon 12 Apr

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

13:30 - 15:15
Doctoral Symposium Session 2Doctoral Symposium at Doctoral Symposium Virtual Room
Chair(s): Travis Breaux Carnegie Mellon University
Methods and Guidelines for IncorporatingHuman Factors Requirements in AutomatedVehicles Development
Doctoral Symposium
Amna Pir Muhammad Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Prioritizing Software Requirements by Combining the Usage Monitoring Data with the Feedback Data
Doctoral Symposium
Panel: Postdoctoral careers: academic and industrial perspectives
Doctoral Symposium
P: Frank Houdek Daimler AG, P: Maya Daneva University of Twente, P: Nan Niu University of Cincinnati